See the Pipers of the Fighting Irish!
See us Perform

Bagpipe music is a distinct, unmistakable sound that can be heard all across campus prior to kick-off on home game Saturdays. The best place to see us perform is on Notre Dame's campus!
- We have a public performance in front of the Main building every home football game. These performances are usually at 11:30 AM (4 hours before kick-off time). For night games, consult the schedule at
- We play our "Freeman Set" to lead the football team on the Player Walk along the path from the Library to the gates of the Stadium. We begin tuning for this performance on Library Quad just after the Glee Club wraps up its performance at approximately 1:00 PM (again, night game times may differ). Be sure to grab a spot early for the Player Walk along this route and you will hear the sounds of the Bagpipe Band leading the team!
- On home game days, we also perform at several official and unofficial tailgate parties. Some of these are open to the public, so listen for the sound of the pipes!

Some of our off campus performances are also great places to see us in action:
- Since 2014, the NDPB has been accompanying the Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union 130 for the annual St. Patrick's day parade in Chicago. We can be seen in the parade itself as well as piping and drumming on the boats that dye the Chicago river green.
- The NDPB has plays at a variety of sports games each year including basketball halftime shows and lacrosse games.
- The NDPB performs at many campus wide events such as statue dedication and The Shirt Unveiling.
- The NDPB is currently a competitive Grade 5 Band in the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association (EUSPBA).